Friday, March 30, 2012

Your Fat Loss System to Success
By Chad Cannon

Over the years I have learned that there are three main factors in Fat Loss.

Goal setting and logging your habits
• Refueling your body all day long
• Exercise with a combination of resistance and cardiovascular training

This is what I call the POWER3. In the myPOWER3 fat loss system all three of these factors are incorporate. Let me explain each factor in more detail.

Goal Setting and logging your habits

From day one, you will be writing down your long term and short term goals. You will also be logging what you do to reach those goals. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is this… if there are no goals, there will be no results. This is by far the number one factor in you transforming your body. I cannot stress this enough. If you even think about skipping this step you may as well not even start the program, because it’s most likely not going to work for you. Set your goals from the start so you have a vision of where you are going to be, how you are going to look, and how you will be feeling at certain times in the future.

Refueling your body all day

Losing Fat off your body is mostly done through the nutrition by which you put into it. The main element in fat loss is to keep refueling the body to make it be the most efficient fat burning machine possible. How do we do this? It’s easy! Use the POWER3 Nutrition System of refueling the body every three hours all day long, every day, beginning first thing every morning. By doing this, your engine (metabolism) will be running at its highest, most efficient rate possible, and more importantly, it will be maintaining that high efficiency all the time, even while you sleep.

Exercise with a combination of resistance and cardiovascular training
The POWER3 Training System is solely based on getting the most in the least amount of time and using your recovery. There are three elements in the POWER3 Training System…

• Resistance training
• Cardiovascular training
• Recovery

You will be combining your resistance and cardiovascular training into three simple workouts each week and using the other days as recovery days. I have systematically laid out the workout and recovery days in a way for your body to be more efficient in its fat burning.

The POWER3 Fat Loss System REALLY WORKS! It’s so simple! All you have to do is use my three factors and you WILL be getting the fat burning results you truly want. I promise you, by following my POWER3 system, you will no doubt feel better, look better, and even perform better at everything you do! This is my guarantee!

Chapter One - Goal Setting and logging your habits

I’m going to ask you many different questions. I want you to get a pen, and write down your goals on the lines provided. This will set a structure for you as to how to get to your long term goal.

1. At what weight do you want to be at that will make you the happiest person you’ve ever been? (not what a weight to height scale says, but what you want)______________

2. How many pounds will you have to lose to reach that goal weight?_______

3. Let’s say if you lost an average of seven(7) pounds per month (you might lose more than that, you might lose less, we don’t know. Let’s just use this as an average), how many months will it take to reach that goal weight from question #1?________

Now you have your monthly goal: Seven pounds each month for _______ months.
Let’s divide that into weekly goals. Seven pounds in one month is a little less than 2 pounds per week. So about 1.75 pounds per week is your weekly goal.
1.75 pounds a week divided by 7 days is a quarter of a pound per day. Do you think that is doable? Circle one: YES NO

Okay, this is a start. I want you to see what happens the first month. The first month is your guide. Shoot for the seven pound mark or higher. Whatever your weight loss result is for the first month, make that your new monthly goal, and simply change the numbers above. You need to know how long it should take to reach your long term goals, what your monthly, weekly and even daily goals are also. This way you still have your long term goal in sight, but your focus is on reaching your short term goals. Pro athletes always say “play one game at a time”. Fat loss works the same way, lose one pound at a time.

Here’s the other thing that is a must when you are planning on losing fat, why do you want to do this? Write down three reasons why you want to make this transformation, and none of them can be because you want to be healthier or want to feel better or look better. We both already know those are part of it. I want you to write down why you want those. Dig deep and find your “why”.
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Two – Refueling the body every three hours throughout the entire day

The POWER3 Nutrition System of refueling the body every three hours throughout the day starting first thing when you wake up will speed up and maintain a fast fat burning metabolism.

There are three components or types of foods that you will focus on in the POWER3 Nutrition System:

(1) Lean Proteins
(2) High-Fiber Carbohydrates
(3) Fruits & Vegetables

On the POWER3 Nutrition System you will fuel your body, or “re-fuel” as I like to call it, every three hours to boost up your metabolism. The key is to get that first refueling (breakfast) first thing after you wake up in the morning. No fiddling around. Get up and go refuel as soon as possible. Your second refueling will be about 3 hours later, and so on throughout the day.

We all get up in the morning at different times, so just make sure the first refueling is no more than 30 minutes after waking up. The main thing with this program is eating your first meal as soon as you rise, then refuel about every 3 hours after that. I cannot stress enough how important it is that your first refueling begin as soon as you rise. This is BY FAR the most important time of your weight loss program…to refuel your body after a good night sleep.

Also, do not be afraid to add in a sixth refueling if you stay awake long enough to do so. It is a total myth that you shouldn’t eat after a certain hour of the day. If you are still awake and it’s been three hours since you’ve last refueled, it’s time to do it again, no matter what!!!

Here’s what your refueling day might look like...
6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm

During each refueling you should consume about one serving (which is the size of YOUR OWN FIST, about one inch high) of a high fiber carbohydrate, about one serving (your fist size) of a lean protein, and finally 2 servings (the size of 2 of your fists) of either a fruit or vegetable or a combination of both.

Chapter 3- Exercise with a combination of resistance and cardiovascular training

This is the part of the program where everyone gets scared simply because it’s hard work. I’m going to be honest with you. I know you can do this! I have made this so simple for you. Yes, it is hard work, and yes, you might feel uncomfortable at times. But it’s a lot better feeling than it is feeling crappy about the way you look, feel, and perform.

As I said before the POWER3 Training System is solely based on getting the most in the least amount of time and using your recovery.

You will be combining your resistance and cardiovascular training into three simple workouts each week and using the other days as recovery days. I have systematically laid out the workout and recovery days in a way for your body to be more efficient in its fat burning.

It’s that simple! Three factors in you getting the fat burning results you truly want. I promise you, by following my POWER3 Training System, you will no doubt feel better, look better, and even perform better at everything you do! This is my guarantee!

Here is how the POWER3 Training System works…

Pick one of these three options that best suits your schedule to do your POWER3 training. Each POWER3 training lasts approximately 30 minutes, maybe even less.

Option 1- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays
Option 2- Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays
Option 3- Wednesdays, Fridays, and Mondays

Here’s the structure of the POWER3 training…

-3 minutes of cardio
-3 upper body exercises 1 minute each
-3 minutes of cardio
-3 lower body exercises 1 minute each
-3 minutes of cardio
-3 core exercises 1 minute each

Simply choose three upper body exercises, three lower body exercises and three core exercises. Also choose three cardio exercises that may suit you. Once you choose your exercises and cardio to plug into your routine, this will be your routine for the entire week.

Here’s the kicker… You want to try to improve on the number of repetitions each day.
Let’s pretend one of your upper body exercises is some kind of push-up. If you did 20push-ups in the one minute during your first training of the week, then try to improve on that during the second training that week. It might be 10 more than the first time or just 1 more. Then the same goes for the third training that week, try to improve the number of reps from the second workout.

The same goes for every exercise you do. That includes your cardio as well.
Also… Never, ever, ever choose the same resistance exercises two weeks in a row. The cardio exercise can be the same, however, choose some of the harder one’s every now and then.

Part of your logging is keeping track of your exercises and the number of repetitions you do for each exercise during each training.

Your log might look something like this…

Exercises /Workout #1 /Workout #2 /Workout #3
Knee push ups /20x /23x /29x
Dips /28x /32x /33x
Dumbbell shoulder press /34x /39x /41x
Walk for 3 minutes /passed 6 houses /passed 7 houses /passed 7 houses
Ball squeezes /56x /61x /65x
Ball squats /26x /29x /33x
Ball leg curls /16x /18x /18x
Run up and down stairs /5x /5x /6x
Bicycle abs /66x /71x /75x
Stomach back extensions /47x /50x /51x
Plank on elbows Hold /only 3 breaks /only 2 breaks /whole time
Walk for 3 minutes /7 houses /7 houses /8 houses

As I said before, The POWER3 Fat Loss System REALLY WORKS! It’s so simple! All you have to do is use my three factors and you WILL be getting the fat burning results you truly want. I promise you, by following my POWER3 system, you will no doubt feel better, look better, and even perform better at everything you do! This is my guarantee!

The Power3 Fat Loss System is a copyright of Chad Cannon, and Chad Cannon Fitness Inc., and by no means is anyone allowed to copy this program for their own profits.